Delhi Police Commissioner Neeraj Kumar's Corruption and Misdeeds

Written by बुधवार, 09 जनवरी 2013 12:52
दिल्ली पुलिस कमिश्नर नीरज कुमार के खिलाफ गंभीर आरोप : गणमान्य नागरिकों और रिटायर्ड सेनाधिकारियों द्वारा उच्च स्तरीय जांच की मांग... 

यह दोनों पत्र बेहद जिम्मेदार नागरिकों द्वारा लिखे और भेजे गए हैं, इसलिए दिल्ली के पुलिस कमिश्नर के खिलाफ लगे इन गंभीर आरोपों की एक उच्च स्तरीय जांच होना आवश्यक है, जिसे सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के किसी वर्तमान जज के अधीन किया जाना चाहिए.

दिल्ली के पुलिस कमिश्नर नीरज कुमार को पूरी तरह बेनकाब करते हुए यह दो पत्र (वास्तव में यह खुली याचिकाएं ही हैं, जिनमे से एक राष्ट्रपति के नाम और दूसरी प्रधानमंत्री के नाम हैं) उन्हें यहाँ पेश कर रहा हूँ, जो मुझे ई-मेल पर प्राप्त हुए हैं. इन याचिकाओं पर हस्ताक्षर करने वाले सभी दिग्गज और गणमान्य व्यक्ति उच्च पदों पर रहे हैं तथा सेना से अवकाशप्राप्त अधिकारी हैं. इनमें से पहली याचिका राष्ट्रपति के नाम है जिसे “अखिल भारतीय प्रशासनिक एवं सैन्य अधिकारी संघ” की ओर से दिया गया है तथा दूसरी याचिका, जो कि इसी पत्र का “अनुलग्नक” है वह Citizens of India Against Corruption की ओर से पेश आरोपों की सूची है.
मैं यहाँ इन याचिकाओं का पूरा हिन्दी अनुवाद नहीं दे रहा हूँ, परन्तु कुछ प्रमुख बिन्दुओं खासकर भ्रष्टाचार, अवैध वसूली और हफ्ता के सम्बन्ध में जो आरोप लगाए गए हैं उन्हें “हाईलाईट” कर दिया गया है, ताकि मुद्दे की गंभीरता जल्दी से समझ में आ जाए. इसलिए जिन पंक्तियों को हाईलाईट किया गया है उन्हें अवश्य पढ़ें...

इस ई-मेल में लिखे आरोपों को पढ़कर आप हैरान हो जाएंगे कि –
किस तरह से दिल्ली पुलिस कमिश्नर के दागी हथियार दलाल अभिषेक वर्मा के साथ मधुर सम्बन्ध हैं... नीरज कुमार की संदिग्ध गतिविधियाँ, उनके स्विस बैंक अकाउंट्स के नंबर, तिहाड़ जेल में बंद “विशिष्ट” कैदियों को “सभी सुविधाएं” मुहैया करवाने के बदले में उनसे हफ्ता-वसूली, दिल्ली में चलने वाली अवैध बसों और थाना प्रभारियों से मासिक वसूली... इत्यादि कई गंभीर आरोप इस याचिका में लगाए गए हैं... कोई आश्चर्य नहीं कि गैंगरेप की इस वीभत्स घटना के बाद से लगातार दिल्ली पुलिस का रवैया, पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट की ढीलमपोल, पीडिता के बयान के समय ADJ के काम में अड़ंगे और दामिनी के साथी द्वारा जीटीवी पर दी गए बयानों के बाद आई उटपटांग सफाइयां, पुलिस कमिश्नर नीरज कुमार के रवैये पर शक के सवाल खड़े करते हैं...
जैसा कि मैंने पहले ही कहा यह (आरोप) पत्र बहुत उच्च अधिकारियों और गणमान्य नागरिकों द्वारा लिखा गया है, इसलिए इसकी गंभीरता और भी बढ़ जाती है. तो मित्रों... आम जनता तक यह सभी बातें निर्बाध रूप में पहुंचें और प्रशासनिक-राजनीतिक मशीनरी पर उचित दबाव बने, इसलिए इसे यहाँ पेश किया जाना बहुत जरूरी था, वर्ना यह पत्र भी मनीष अग्रवाल के पिछले पत्र की तरह लालफीताशाही के मकडजाल और अंत में रद्दी की टोकरी में जा सकता था...  

(पहले एक मामले में ऐसा हुआ था, जब कुछ गणमान्य नागरिकों ने एक हस्ती पर आरोप लगाए और फिर बाद में किसी अज्ञात कारण से, अपनी वेबसाईट या प्रोफाइल से हटा लिए... इसीलिए मैं यहाँ इस बार वह लिंक्स तथा स्क्रीन शॉट भी दे रहा हूँ...)

रिटायर्ड IAS अधिकारी श्री एमजी देवासहायम ने राष्ट्रपति को संबोधित करते हुए यह पत्रनुमा याचिका लगाई है (देवासहायम के फेसबुक पेज का स्क्रीन शॉट संलग्न है इसके अलावा "Group of 15" नामक समूह (जो कि अवकाशप्राप्त वरिष्ठ प्रशासनिक एवं सैन्य अधिकारियों का एक समूह है) ने भी इस पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर किये हैं ( तथा वेबसाइट The Weekend Leader नामक वेबसाईट पर भी यह खबर प्रकाशित की जा चुकी है...( (स्क्रीन शॉट संलग्न है)  
(सभी स्क्रीनशाट लेख के अंत में दिए गए हैं...)

अब यदि दिल्ली के पत्रकारों और "सबसे तेज़"(?) चैनलों में वाकई दम-गुर्दे हों तो वे नीचे दिए गए इन विभिन्न बिन्दुओं पर खोजबीन करके "सच्चे पत्रकार" बनने का साहस दिखाएं...

From: Courtesy:Devasahayam MG <>
Date: Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 9:23 AM

Subject: The Delhi rot: Memorandum from former All India Service and Armed Forces Officers

Kind Attention: HE Shri Pranab Mukherji, President of India

Your Excellency,

In the dismal and surcharged atmosphere prevailing in the country in general and Delhi in particular, we concerned senior citizens who have served the country and the governments in various capacities thought it appropriate to address the attached Memorandum describing the rotten state of affairs and calling for your urgent and proactive intervention.

The Memorandum is self-explanatory and we are sanguine it will receive your most urgent attention and effective and immediate intervention. Hard copy is being delivered separately.

Yours Truly,

(Representing the Senior Cirizens Group)

Senior Citizens Group
WZ 80, Mohan Nagar
Pankha Road
New Delhi - 110046                                                                                                        

His Excellency The President of India
Rashtrapati Bhawan
Raisina Hill, New Delhi.

Your Excellency,                                                                                                  December 27, 2012

 Subject: The rot that is Delhi and national shame

We, former senior members of the All India Services and Armed Forces make this submission to you as the Head of the Republic and custodian of the Constitution.

2.          Sir, as you yourself have seen, virtually the whole country has arisen in anger and anguish against the gang-rape incident that rocked the national capital recently. Nationwide shock and outrages have been expressed over the brutal incident in which a 23 year-old girl was terribly beaten and gang-raped allegedly by six members in a moving bus in south Delhi. The young girl is desperately struggling for her life.

3.      Outpouring of anger by thousands of youngsters cutting across sections of society at Raisina Hill, where you live, and India Gate and different parts of the country has jolted the government to announce some measures to mitigate the public sentiments and outrage. This includes formation of a three-member Commission of Inquiry headed by former Chief Justice J.S. Verma that “will suggest ways to make stricter rape laws.” according to Home Minister Sushil kumar Shinde. Just that and nothing more!

4.          Two days prior to these government announcements, nation saw the strange spectacle of Mr. R.K. Singh, Union Home Secretary sitting with Mr. Neeraj Kumar, Commissioner of Police of Delhi complimenting Delhi Police for outstanding work in cracking the case in no time. For lapses, no accountability was fixed by the government. We wonder why Home Secretary was openly exhibiting a mother-hen like protective approach towards the incumbent Delhi Commissioner of Police.

6.          Primary concern of governance and governments is Rule of Law, safety and protection of people, especially women and children, and upholding of their civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights and dignity.  For this purpose, it is the constitutional obligation of the State to provide professional, impartial and efficient Police Service for safeguarding the life, livelihood and dignity of the citizens.

7.          Commissioner of Police, Delhi heads one of the largest police forces in the country. Being head of the police force in the national capital, he or she should not only be an officer of unimpeachable integrity and unblemished career but also an impartial and efficient police officer having respect for human rights and dignity of the people.

8.          But, from the records and documents made available to us, we are of the considered opinion that the present Commissioner of Police, Neeraj Kumar does not fit the bill. There are many serious charges of corruption and criminalisation pending against him. Briefly mentioned these are:-

(a)   2 FIRs : Hon’ble High Court of Delhi vide two separate orders dated on 26.6.2006 had directed registration of FIRs against Mr. Neeraj Kumar for fabrication of documents during course of investigation of a case and for humiliating, torturing and harassing an innocent citizen while working in CBI as Joint Director. He managed an illegal stay from the Division Bench through Letter Patent Appeals which are not maintainable in criminal cases. This is blatant sabotage of law since  against orders on Criminal OPs in HC only remedy is SLP in Supreme Court. 

(b)  Very close links with Abhishek Verma, master scamster and notorious Arms and Hawala Dealer who has already been charged by CBI for compromising country’s security and integrity in Naval War Room Leak case and presently in judicial custody again on account of his arrest by CBI in another case booked under Official Secrets Act for illegally obtaining highly sensitive and secret defence documents and selling the same to foreign countries. As Joint Director, CBI, Neeraj Kumar had used all his power and authority to protect and shield Abhishek Verma from various stringent legal actions.

(c)                           As Director General of Prisons, Neeraj Kumar was negotiating deals for purchase of arms including assault rifles with Abhishek Verma who was representing a foreign arm manufacturer and was confined in Tihar Jail. In various communications including emails sent from Tihar Jail Abhishek Verma claims that Neeraj Kumar is his personal and family friend and a lot can be achieved through him in short span of time. In the very same capacity Neeraj Kumar has reportedly extorted huge amount of money in cash from 2G scam accused lodged in Tihar Jail for providing them luxuries and facilities like AC, computers, mobiles and rich food.

(d)  There are allegations that Neeraj Kumar is reportedly holding 3 accounts in Switzerland and other tax heavens and parking huge funds in them. Account Numbers are mentioned in the complaint that gives this information. But no verification has been done.

9.          Recently Neeraj Kumar was found to be unfit for being included in the panel of officers for appointment to the post of Director of CBI by the Selection Committee headed by Chief Vigilance Commissioner on account of the above charges which he is facing.  Yet, shockingly, with same criminal and corrupt antecedents, Neeraj Kumar was earlier appointed to the sensitive post of Commissioner of Police, Delhi.

10.     Obviously, Under Neeraj Kumar’s watch, the efficiency and efficacy of police force in Delhi has come to the lowest ebb since there is an atmosphere of complete lawlessness prevailing in the capital city of Delhi and commission of heinous crimes like rapes, murders and thefts have become the order of the day. Such crimes are being committed by criminals with the active collusion and complicity of the police officers.  Most of these criminals are serial offenders and their criminal records are already with police and yet they continue committing such heinous crimes and go scot free after bribing local police or paying ‘hafta’ to them which is shared up to the top. Strangely enough, as per media reports Delhi Police identified and picked up the rape-bus from the list of hafta (bribe) givers circulating among all the Delhi traffic policemen who are in collusion with the drivers'/owners' who indulge in illegal activities.

11.     It is the horrendous rot in the system that has led to the appointment of such an abominable person to head the Delhi Police. The spontaneous outburst of public sentiment and the voices that are being raised are against such rot which has set in virtually every form of governance today. Through the voices of the protestors, the people are today demanding to be governed by a system that is just and above all, whose integrity cannot be questioned. It is this aspect that needs to be addressed seriously and sincerely. Police Commissioner’s response to all these is to intimidate the lady Magistrate recording the statement of the rape victim and slap murder charges against young protestors after letting loose worst form of violence and repression on them. There are serious doubts that the post-mortem report has been fudged! This cannot be ruled out considering the fact that Neeraj Kumar, as Joint Commissioner of Police, Delhi was involved in the controversy of ‘Ansal Plaza’ fake encounter on 4.11.2002 wherein two innocent persons were killed!

12.    We are of the considered view that the stink in Delhi Police is part of the larger ‘kleptocratic-mafia’ that seem to be running the country.  In the event we, senior citizens, request you to direct the Government of India that is in power ‘under your pleasure’ to respond to the valid posers we raise below:

(i)     How, with such horrendous ill-repute and adverse career record, Neeraj Kumar was selected and appointed to the sensitive and crucial post of Commissioner of Police, Delhi? What is the role of Union Home Secretary and Lt. Governor, Delhi in this?

(ii)   How was he selected and appointed as Joint Director of CBI and allowed to remain in that post for a record period of 9 years which is prohibited under service Rules?

(iii) Why, despite several complaints from various responsible quarters to the Prime Minister,  Home Minister, PMO, CVC and Director CBI supported by authentic records establishing Neeraj Kumar’s close proximity and relationship with notorious serial offender Abhishek Verma, no action has been initiated?

(iv) On 25-09-2012, one Manish Aggarwal of ‘Citizens of India against Corruption’ sent a complaint to the Prime Minister giving details and specific information on the huge corruption and extortion racket indulged in by Neeraj Kumar (Annexure). Was this complaint enquired into and truth ascertained? If not why not?

(v)   What has been the role of successive PMO’s, Home Ministers, Finance Ministers and Home Secretaries and Finance Secretaries in defending and protecting this congenitally corrupt official and in appointing him to coveted posts?

(vi) Who are the prominent politicians and bureaucrats who are patronizing Neeraj Kumar and sharing in the loot and money-laundering that he seem to be effortlessly indulging in cohort with underworld dons?

(vii)  In the midst of so much rot, corruption and laxity what purpose will the Commission constituted to “suggest ways to make stricter rape laws” serve?

Your Excellency, these are specific and pointed posers. But considering the mood of the nation it would be eminently appropriate if you as Head of the Republic advise the political parties to seek the immediate resignation of all MPs and MLAs who are presently facing proceedings in Court on criminal charges, particularly heinous ones like rape and murder. You should also direct the Government to immediately enact law/rules to implement the long-pending recommendations of the Election Commission to ban charge-sheeted politicians to contest election to any public body in future. These steps will have an electrifying effect on the psyche of the nation in general and youth in particular.

The whole nation wants an immediate answer to these posers and instant action to remedy the stink. We look forward for early action and appropriate response

Yours Truly,
CV Narashimhan IPS (former Director, CBI)

BS Raghavan IAS                                       Admiral L Ramdas
SP Ambrose IAS                                         General VK Singh
MR Sivaraman IAS                                    Lt. Gen. Prakash Katoch
M.G.Devasahayam IAS                             Maj. Gen. Ashok Kalyan Verma
Arun Kumar IAS                                       Brig V. Mahalingam
M. Raman IAS                                           Col. Karan Kharb
Rajivan Krishnaswamy IAS                   Col. K. Maliappan

(Note: Signatories have been District Magistrates, Secretaries to State and Central Governments, Navy and Army Chiefs, Corps, Division and Brigade Commanders)

CITIZENS OF INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION                                                   ANNEXURE
A-17, Niti Bagh, New Delhi-110049
Tel: 9811032800 ; 26098582

                                                                                                                  September 25, 2012

Dr. Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister of India
7, Race Course Road,
New Delhi 110001



Respected Prime Minister,

Neeraj Kumar, IPS (1976-AGM UT) former Joint Director, CBI, former Director General of Tihar Jail and present Commissioner of Police, New Delhi made thousands of crores of rupees by misusing his lucrative positions and extorting huge money from innocent citizens and parking the said money in offshore havens of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

The details of his three bank accounts in foreign banks are given below, the detailed investigation of which would reveal that he is the most corrupt police officer in the country who is already a man of more than Rs.2300 crore, out of which approximately Rs.912 crores is lying parked in the following bank accounts:

· One SWISS Account in st. GallenKantonalbank, S1. Leonhardstrasse 25, 9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland with 32.5 Million USD and 17.45 Million CHF (SWISS Francs)
Pseudo Name: CENTPENA

Account Number: 06938761-25-62
IBAN. CH22 0078 10693876 12562
SWift Code: KBSGCH22

· One Swiss Bank Account in Pnvat-und Handelsbank Zurich AG, Lowenstrasse 56, Zurich witn 57 Million USD and 15 Million CHF(Swiss Francs)
Pseudo Name:                  SANDR076

Account Number:           04403892-67 -76
IBAN:                                    CH26 0883 4044 0389 2677 6
SWIFT Code:                     PHZZCHZ1892

· One Liechtenstein Bank Account in Neue Bank AG, Marktgass 20, Postfach 1533, Vaduz with 42.75 Million USD and 19.20 Million Euros
Pseudo Name:                  MKNKAK76

Account Number:           OA2365672543
IBAN:                                    Ll22 0880 20A2 3656 7254 3
SWIFT Code:                     NBANLl22152

These details are already with CBI and Enforcement Directorate but because of his clout in bureaucratic and political circles, he has successfully scuttled the detailed investigation into his deeds of his gross misconduct. There are already complaints made against Neeraj Kumar which are lying with Prime Minister office, Central Vigilance Commission, Central Bureau of Investigation, Enforcement Directorate and Income Tax Department but the same are languishing in the dustbins of these offices. It is indeed a pity.

The modus operandi of corrupt Neeraj Kumar to make dirty money is as follows:

While in CBI, he handled various sensitive cases. In famous Bombay Bomb Blast case, he favoured a number of accused and did not arrest them or make them accused but allowed them to go free in lieu of very big money which he collected and parked in above stated foreign bank accounts. During his tenure of 9 years in CBI (very unusual for an officer to manage posting beyond 5 years in CBI), Neeraj Kumar became a man of more than 1000 crores. He has purchased number of immovable properties including two lavish farm houses in Westend Green worth more than Rs.200 crores, one house of 460 sq.yardsin posh colony of Anand Niketan worth Rs. 40 crores, two apartments in benami names in Magnolias of DLF at Gurgaon, worth Rs. 50 crores, 10 acres of land in Ghitorni worth Rs. 150 crores and 92 acres of land on Noida Expressway worth Rs. 580 crores. All these properties are being held in benami names including one Mr. Dharamveer, Police Officer of the rank of Head Constable who has been with him for last 25 years. How can Neeraj Kumar allow such a trustworthy police officer to go out of his control in whose name he has invested dirty money of more than Rs. 1000 crores

While in Tihar Jail, during his tenure of 2 year, as his good luck would have been, big scams in the country took place and a number of politicians including ministers and businessman were arrested and sent to Tihar Jail. For allowing 5 star living in Tihar Jail, Neeraj Kumar charged the following

a. Rs.5 lakhs per day from Mr. A.Raja, former Telecom Minister for 16 months i.e. 5X1GX30= Rs. 24 crores.

b.       Rs. 3 lakhs from Kanimozi for about 10 months I.e. 3X10X30=Rs. 9 crores.

c.       Rs. 5 lakhs per day Mr. Sanjay Chandra for 10 months i.e.5X10X30=Rs. 15 crores.

d.       Rs. 7 lakhs per day from Mr. Shahid Balwa and Mr. Vinod Goenka for 12 months 7X 12X30=Rs. 25.2 crores.

e.       Rs.9 lakhs per day from Reliance group for their three employees for 11 months I.e. 9X11X33=Rs. 32.67 crores.

In addition to these Neeraj Kumar also extorted properties of hundreds of crores from Sanjay Chandra of Unitech Group and Shahid Balwa which he is holding in the benami names of relatives.

As seen from above only in case of accused of 2G scam,Neeraj Kumar made money of Rs. 105 crores. Not only this, he is so clever and smart to make dirty money that he made more than 200 crores from other accused like Suresh Kalmadi, Abu Salem, Aftab Ansari and many others.

Because of his money power and clout in political circles he managed to become Commisioner Delhi Police, despite the fact that he is facing more than half a dozen criminal cases and FIRs against him including infamous fake Ansal Plaza Shootout case in November 2002 where he was behind the killing two innocent persons on the spot when he was heading post of Joint Commisioner of Police Special Cell, Delhi. He widely claims that for becoming Commissioner of Police of Delhi, he had to pay RS.100 crores to Mr. P Chidambaram, former Home Minister of India through his son Mr. Kartik Chidambaram and the meeting with him was arranged by Rajiv Shukla, now Minister in Govt. who is always pleading his case before all the authorities. Neeraj Kumar also boasts that through one Mr. Raj Ajmera a well known Wheeler Dealer in political circles and his friend Rajiv Shukla, he took Ahmed Patel, Political Advisor to Sonia Gandhi into confidence and paid Rs.100 crores to Congress Party Fund. Since then he has become a frequent visitor to his residence at late nights, and his photographs entering Patel's house no. 23, Mother Terasa Road are enclosed. In big parties, he can be seen often claiming his proximity to both Mr. Chidambaram and Mr. Ahmed Patel. He also tells that he is close to Robert Vadra, son in law of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi whom he helped out financially by clicking deals with DLF Group.

Since becoming Commissioner of Police, a new extortion racket has been headed by Neeraj Kumar whereby he identifies and buys out highly lucrative rented out properties in Delhi and bullies innocent tenants and citizens into vacating such properties. Once vacated, these properties fetches hundreds of crores of rupees which he claims to have sold out to many friends including Madhavan, Private Secretaries to Sonia Gandhi, Robert Vadra, son in law of Sonia Gandhi, Rajiv Shukla his friend of last two decades, Subodh Kant Sahai, minister in the government, one Mr. P.K. Mishra, lAS and Secretary in Ministry of Personnel. Since becoming Commisioner Police, Delhi, Neeraj Kumar has already helped his friends and family in purchasing more than 15 such properties worth more than Rs. 675 crores in Delhi. Recently, Neeraj Kumar bought a rented house of 500 sq yard in posh Vasant Vihar which after getting vacated, he sold out to Mr. Arun Jaitley for Rs. 37.5 crores. He also sold out such a property of 1000 sq yard in Greater Kailash-I to his uncle Mr. Shatrugan Sinha. Neeraj Kumar also claims before his friends that at one point of time, he had managed a 5 acre farm house in Dera Mandl, Delhi which was sold out to Mr. Kapil Sibal, the present Telecom Minister at a throw away price of Rs. 10 crores, the market value of which was more than Rs. 25 crores. He also claims that he has given a big property measuring 800 sq. yards at Shanti Niketan to Mr. Sandeep Dixit, son of Chief Minister of Delhi Sheila Dixit who had helped out in becoming Delhi Police Commissioner. He very frequently claims that he has also obliged many judges of both High Court of Delhi and Supreme Court and he can get any work done from them using his influence especially from Mr. Altamas Kabir, Chief Justice of India.

Neeraj Kumar with his close confidante head constable Dharamveer has been running another extortion racket under which every officer of the rank of SHO in Delhi has to pay Dharamveer a monthly sum ranging between Rs.5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs. The rates are fixed and are in the common knowledge among police circles.

Neeraj Kumar with his friend Rajiv Shukla, has also been running a blackmailing racket in Delhi, whereby they not only bring top class models from Bombay and supply them to some of the top industrialists, bureaucrats and politicians but also tape them in the act. He openly boasts in parties that he has blue films of Deepak Chopra, PS to LK Advani and Mr. Madhavan, private secretary to Sonia Gandhi. Neeraj Kumar and Rajiv Shukla are also famously known to be big match fixers and made more than Rs 1200 crores together in only in the last edition of IPL. He has 12.5% equity in ITC Group held in benami names. Every day, he visits Health Club of Maurya Hotel with his family members and behaves like owner. Membership of the health club is not opened to outsiders but he being owner of the hotel, is given all comforts. Two suites/delux rooms are always kept at his disposal. This fact can be verified from the staff of the hotel and the attendants in the health club. He is also boasting that he has taken new Home Minister Mr. Sushil Shinde on his right side by paying 5 crores as the first instalment.

Neeraj Kumar is leaving no stone unturned in his ambitions to become the next CBI Director and to achieve them he claims to have already paid RS.10 crores to V Narayan Swami, MOS of Personnel Ministry and committed another Rs. 40 after his appointment' apart from committing huge fund for Congress Party He claims that he has already taken into confidence Mr. Pradeep Kumar. Chairman, CVC whom he has obliged many times during his foreign visits including the recent one in which he has arranged dollars abroad for his shopping and leisure. He has already met twice Ms. Sushma Swaraj, Leader of Opposition in last one month and assured her all CBI help to Reddy Brothers once he becomes Director CBI.

He was so confident that he will be the next CBI Director that he threw a grand party at Rajiv Shukla's farmhouse in Chattarpur in New Delhi in the first week of September, as soon as his name figured in the panel for Director CBI, and gave assurances to A.Raja, Kanimozi, Sanjay Chandra and the coal lobby that they will be set free within 6 months of him taking over as Director CBI.

This notoriously corrupt Police officer who has woven his web of illicit acts deep into the beauracratic and political centre of this nation and boasts himself to be the most powerful officer in the country, grows in power with each passinq day is a danger not only to society but also to the entire nation. It is not external threats that our nation needs protection from but such corrupt police officers who are eating away the wealth of this nation and pose a threat to the safety and welfare of its citizens.

To remain at the helm of such sensitive postings one needs the blessings of the highest of mightiest in India and Neeraj Kumar has no shortage of well wishers. The country needs some answers from the politicians and officers at the helm of affairs and we must still believe in CBI, CVC and some honest politicians to act and arrest this corrupt officer i.e. Neeraj Kumar and his corrupt friends and family members and get the money back that has been stashed away in foreign accounts by him and his family.

Thanking you,

Manish Aggarwal

Secretary General

CC:         President of India, New Delhi

Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi
Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, New Delhi   & several others

कुल मिलाकर यह कहा जा सकता है कि, गणमान्य व जिम्मेदार अधिकारियों द्वारा लगाए गए इन आरोपों की गंभीरता को देखते हुए इस मामले में एक उच्च स्तरीय जांच की बेहद जरूरत है...

स्क्रीन शॉट १

स्क्रीन शॉट २

स्क्रीन शॉट ३

Read 2047 times Last modified on शुक्रवार, 30 दिसम्बर 2016 14:16
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I am a Blogger, Freelancer and Content writer since 2006. I have been working as journalist from 1992 to 2004 with various Hindi Newspapers. After 2006, I became blogger and freelancer. I have published over 700 articles on this blog and about 300 articles in various magazines, published at Delhi and Mumbai. 

I am a Cyber Cafe owner by occupation and residing at Ujjain (MP) INDIA. I am a English to Hindi and Marathi to Hindi translator also. I have translated Dr. Rajiv Malhotra (US) book named "Being Different" as "विभिन्नता" in Hindi with many websites of Hindi and Marathi and Few articles.